We believe that knowledge only becomes true knowledge when you can apply what you have learned.

It is our goal to utilize the acquired knowledge as efficiently as possible to achieve the company’s ambitions, both for the company and its staff.



Translating corporate ambitions into educational programs so that your company and staff can perform at their best.

We turn (team) leaders into ‘directors of their own department’.



We aim for each individual to demand the maximum of themselves.

This philosophy is: develop and change yourself, but do so within the context of the company and the team in which you operate. Ultimately, you will have to do it yourself! TURn Myself Around.


This is how we distinguish ourselves.

The impact of Turma’s in-company training sessions.

Do you want to make an impact too?

Get in touch

We help you to make the difference.

It is our goal to utilize the acquired knowledge as efficiently as possible to achieve the company’s ambitions, both for the company and its staff.

Since 1995, Turma has been developing corporate training programs for major market leaders

  • 1995

    TURMA is founded by DrsTheo Peeters (MMD, MLD). Various training programs are being developed.

  • 2000-2005

    The concept of management development training is implemented and developed.

  • 2010-2015

    Coaching and international development is being set up. Multilingual courses in Dutch, English and German.

  • 2024

    We got a new website.

We work together with these parties on your ambitions.

Ready to take your team to a new level?